Thursday, May 15th- Friday, May 16th-

Thursday, May 15th


Team Thursday (teams of 2)- 

100 burpees

75 pullups

50 tire flips

25 sled pushes



6am @ Eli Whitney Musem (915 Whitney Ave, Hamden)

4, 5 or 6 x trail loops ( Loop is approximately 600 meters in the woods with an uphill/downhill, 

some flat, some exposed roots and rocks.

Rest is 1/2 of work time.

5:30pm @ Sleeping Giant

Hiking/Trail Running


Friday, May 16th

Buy In

3 minute AMRAP of:

7 unbroken toes to bar


Bench 5! (start @ 70% and increase load)

*10 ring dips between each set
