Monday, May 12th- Wednesday, May 14th-
Monday, May 12th
1000 meter row
21 pullups
21 wall balls @ 20/16#
21 power cleans @ 95/65#
21 bar over burpees
21 thrusters @ 95/65#
21 toes to bar
1 mile run
Tuesday, May 13th
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50 wall balls tosses for time with (wall ball without the use of a wall),
athlete chooses weight.
*advanced athletes toss over pullup bar)
6 x 8 back squat @ 60 % of 1 rep max
6am/ 6pm @ ECC
5 rounds for time:
500 meter row
20 burpees
30 double unders
Wednesday, May 14th
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60 box jumps for time @ 30/24"
top of each minute do 10 kettlebell swings @ 55/33#
20 Minute AMRAP:
10 burpees
20 abmat sit ups
30 double unders