Monday, March 17th- Wednesday, March 19th-

Monday, March 17th


3 x 3, 3 x 2, 3 x 1 Overhead Squats

*increase load to 90% for sets of 1 


4 minute amrap, 2 minutes rest

3 minute amrap, 90 seconds rest

2 minute amrap, 1 minute rest

1 minute amrap, done

The wod consists of:

5 Front Squats @ 135/95#

20 Double Unders


Tuesday, March 18th

Buy In

30 Burpees for time

* Burpees must be done to a target on the wall.

6 inches higher than hand in extension.


3 Rounds For Time:

20 Kettlebell Swings @ 70/55#

30 Pushups

40 Situps

800 meter run


Endurance: 6am / 6 pm @ ECC

20 Minute AMRAP:

400 meter run

7 Burpee Box Overs


Wednesday,  March 19th


 6 x 3 Push Press @ 75% of 1 rep max


On The Minute x 20 of:

Odds- 4 Power Cleans @ 135/95#

Evens- 7 Toes To Bar 


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