Tuesday, Dec. 2nd - Thursday, Dec. 4th
*Note - Warmup is not to be done for time
Warm-up: 3 rounds of
40 Butt Kicks
30 Single Jump ropes
20 KBS
10 OHS
5 Chest to bar
Preview: 3x Max Rep Box Jumps 30/24" with 2 minutes rest between each set
OHS 6x3
10! of:
OHS @ 50% of BW
Hand Release Pushups
3x500 meter row - self regulated rest between each round
Cashout: 7-5-3 of -
Thrusters 155/115#
Muscles Ups
Endurance: At ECC @ 6 am
1 mile row- 2 mile run - 1 mile row
Warmup: 4 Rounds of:
10 Wall balls
8 pushups
6 Snatches balances
4 laps around room - jog
2 forward rolls
1 min max rep - Chest to bar Pullups
Squat Snatch 7x2
75 power snatches for time 75/55#
Cash out: 5x3 Snatch Grip DL @ 125%
Warmup: 8! of-
Hang Clean
Front Squats
20 Min AMRAP - Teams of 2 or 3 athletes = ONLY 1 athlete in motion at a time
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95#
50-40-30-20-10 of
Double Unders
Ab Mat Situps
Cash out: Jerk 3x2, 4x1
Endurance: TBD