Saturday, Nov. 29th - Monday, Dec. 1st


Preview: 40 Wallballs 20/14# for time


Buy-in: 4x20 Ab Mat Situps


For Time:

10 Front Squats 155/95#

10 Shoulder to Overhead 155/95#

300 meter row

8 Front Squats

8 Shoulder to Overhead

300 meter row

6 Front Squats

6 Shoulder to Overhead

300 meter row

4 Front Squats

4 Shoulder to Overhead

300 meter row

2 Front Squats

2 Shoulder to Overhead

300 meter row


Cashout: 15 Mins of HS Work



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill



Preview: 60 Deadlifts for time @ 50% BW


*Note - The buy-in portion of the class will be replaced by a specified warm up. The purpose of this warm up is to expose the athletes to various skills as well as ready the body to participate in the class's movments and workouts. It is not designed or meant to be for time! It is to be performed as a warmup and will start right at the beginning of class.


Warm-up: 3 Rounds of:

20 pulls on the rower

20 ab mat situps

10 Supermans

20 second static hold on pullup bar

20 air squats


Shoulder Press

3x3, 3x2, 3x1

Push Press

3x2, 3x1


3 Min AMRAP of:

1 Push Press

1 Pullup

2 Push Press

2 Pull ups

3 Push Press

3 Pull up... Until time!


Cashout: 2 mins Max Rep DU's

