Thursday June 6th - Sunday June 9th
We at Elm City CrossFit would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to a couple of our own. We are proud to introduce two new members to our Elm City community. Both Coach Rachel and Kara introduced our newest additions on June 1st.
Marcus Aaron Johnston – 6 lbs 13 oz born June 1st at 12:22 am
Mila Elle Buontempo – 8lbs 21.5” born June st
Strength: Push Press 5x3 @ 55-65% of 1RM
4 Rounds of the following:
1 minute Max Cal Row
1 minute Max Rep Clean and Jerk 50-75% of Body Weight
1 minute Max Rep Wall Balls 20/14
1 minute Rest
Endurance: Meet at Eli Whitney Museum @ 6 am for Trail Loops (Trail shoes are not required but it could be muddy so wear old running shoes)
4, 5 or 6 Loops ~ about 500 meters – Equal rest to work
Spend 15 minutes working on Muscle-up progressions
On the Minute for 12 Minutes of:
2 Snatches at 70% of 1 RM
Sellout: 12x Door to Dumpster Sprints- Self Regulated Rest
20 Minute AMRAP of:
2 Muscle Ups
4 HSPU’s
8 KBS 70/55#
Amnesty Day – Make up a workout you may have missed during the week or come in and work on a skill