Thursday April 11th - Sunday April 14th
Strength: Back Squat 6x1 – working up to a 1RM
WOD: 3xTabata Box Jump 24/20”
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Dont forget to check out the Blog section of the website to find out about our Happy Hour "Stink and Drink" - Everyone is welcome to join us for a workout then drinks at the Playwright right after!
Endurance: 6am @ ECC
6, 8 or 10 x around the building
Rest is Equal to Work
Buy-in: 2x3 Rope Climbs
Strength: On the Minute (OTM) for 8 Minutes
2 - Snatches @ 65-75% of 1RM
WOD: 3 Rounds for Time (RFT)
25 Wallballs 20/14
30 Double Unders
3 Rounds for Time (RFT)
9 Muscle Ups
15 Burpee Pull ups
21 Pull ups
800 Meter Run
U.S. Army Sergeant Jason “Mick” McCluskey, 26, of McAlester, Oklahoma, assigned to the 27th Engineer Battalion, 20th Engineer Brigade, XVIII Airborne Corps, based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on November 4, 2010, when insurgents attacked his unit with small arms fire in Zarghun Shahr, Mohammad Agha district, Afghanistan. He is survived by his son Landen, and his mother Delores Olivares.
Amnesty – Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill