Thursday March 28th - Sunday March 31st
On the Minute (OTM) for 15 minutes of the following complex @ 65% or Clean & Jerk Max:
1 Dead Lift
1 Squat Clean
1 Jerk
Sellout: 3x25 Double Unders – Self Regulated Rest
Endurance: 6 am @ ECC – We will jog to the old box (the start) we will then run:
2x400, 1x800, 1x1200, 1x800, 2x400 or
4x400, 1x800, 2x1200, 1x800, 2x400 – Rest is ½ work time
Friday - Normal Gym Schedule
Buy-in: 3x10 Reverse Hypers
WOD: 5 Rounds for Time (RFT)
10 KBS 70/55#
20 Burpees
Open WOD 13.4 – Super Saturday
Workouts will begin at 9 am and run until 11 am. Heats will be assigned when the athletes come in - First come, First compete. Athlete and judges standards will be reviewed at 9 am.
Amnesty – Make up a workout you may have missed or work on a skill.