Monday November 25th - Friday November 29th
OHS 6x3 @ 75% of 1RM
Deadlift 6x2 @ 80% of 1RM
Death by pushup/ Sit-ups - Example: minute 1 do 1 pushup and 1 sit-up, minute 2 do 2 pushups and 2 sit-ups... until failure...
buy-in: 4x prowler push max weight
“Helen” - 4 Rounds for Time:
Run 400 meters
21 KBS 55/35#
12 Pull-ups
Endurance: 6 am/ 6 pm at ECC
ON the 2 minute for 5 rounds of:
300 meter row
12 box jumps
weighted suisides
Shoulder Press 3x3 @ 75%
Push Press 6x2 @ 80%
5 mins Max Rep Burpees
Happy Thanksgiving!
Elm City CrossFit’s Annual Volunteer Aid Station for Hamden Turkey Trot- come out and support our extended fitness community as we help serve water and aid right outside our doors. Volunteers needed at 730 am!
One Group Holiday WOD at 9 am with Coach Joe
Happy Black Friday!
One Group Holiday WOD at 10 am with Coach Bobby
Normal schedule classes back on Saturday