Thursday, October 31st - Friday, November 1st
Thursday, October 31st
3 x 5 Hang Squat Clean @ 65% of One Rep Max
10 Rounds for Time
5 Pullups
7 Hand Release Pushups
Endurance: 6am / 6pm @ Eli Whitney Museum [915 Whitney Ave., Hamden]
Jog 1/2 mile to the base of Prospect Hill
4, 5, or 6 x Prospect Hill [only to the pillars]
Odd intervals, sprint up, jog/walk/recover back down
Even intervals, sprint up and down, recover 3 minutes at the bottom
Friday, November 1st
3 x 5 Hang Squat Snatch @ 60% of One Rep Max
Wallballs @ 20#/14#
Double Unders