Monday, October 14th - Wednesday, October 16th

Monday, October 14th


Rope Climbs


6 x 6 Back Squat @ 80% of One Rep Max


5 Rounds for Time

5 Deadlift @ 225#/185#

10 Box Jumps @ 24"/20"

*****There will be no mobility class at 6 pm - You are welcome to come in and work on mobility but Chrystal will not be leading the class******


Tuesday, October 15th


4 x Complex of:

3 Cleans

3 Hang Cleans

3 Jerks

Self regulated rest between each set

Weight used should be 75% of Hang Clean one rep max


10 x On the minute

8 Burpess

During the remaining rest time of each minute, complete max rep Double Unders

Score = Total Double Unders completed in 10 minutes


Endurance: 6 am/pm @ ECC

10,15 or 20 minute out and back


Wednesday, October 16th

Buy In:

3 x 12 Reverse Hypers



Wall Ball @ 20#/16#

Abmat Situps

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