Thursday Jan 3- Sunday Jan 6th
Strength: Front Squat 3X8 @ 65% of 1RM
WOD: “Annie” – 50-40-30-10
Double Unders
Ab Mat Situps
Endurance: Meet at the Box (Elm City CrossFit Main Gym)
We will jog ~3/4 mile to the base of Morse Street (the start) we will then run:
4, 5 or 6 x Morse Hill
Odd Intervals –recover with a walk or jog down
Even Intervals – sprint down to bottom and recover ~ 3 minutes
“The Delvecchio”
10 Down and back up
Double Unders
KBS 55/35#
Change of Plans!!!! Due to the overwhelming response from our members and the sell-out of the charity event in Newtown, we have decided to run classes on Saturday.
7am - OPP/Open Class
10 am - Class Only (No 9 am)
WOD: "John Runkle"
20 Min AMRAP
5- Dead Lift 225/155#
7- Burpees
10- KBS 70/55#
200 Meter Run
Amnesty – makeup a workout you may have missed