Thursday May 10, 2012
4x 3min on: 2min off
6 Pistols (total)
9 OH sit-ups
6:00am Endurance Group:
Leaving from the gym @ 6:00am
Warm-up: Jog approximately 1 mile to Morse Street
Sprint Morse Hill : 4, 6 or 8 x
Cool-down: Jog approximately 1 mile back to the gym
NOTICE: If you want to stretch and roll, please show up prior to and be ready to go @ 6:00am.
Friday May 11, 2012
Back Squat @ 80%
After each set:
5 Box Jumps
10ea Walking Lunges
Saturday May 12, 2012
Max Rep Presses @ ½ BW
1min Burpees
Score = Presses+Burpees