Sunday April 29, 2012
Monday April 30, 2012
Thanks to the ECC members that showed support for a good cause @ SCFThis is primarily a transition month. We will be phasing into a strength block w/ increased loading and decreased volume building to max efforts at the cycle’s end.
Works to rest ratios, couplets and triplets are used along with a couple of benchmark workouts. Thus allowing us to hit strength work and mix variety without compromising recovery.
As always move to the prescribed standards and please scale accordingly.
JBJ- Jacked by July, AKA-Thick Quick & Nasty (in a good way)
Strength: 5x5
BS @ 85%
Odd Sets:
200m DB Farmers Walk
Tuesday May 1, 2012
Lindsay and Bonnie after the Cheshire 1/2 Marathon
800m Run
*50 Pull-ups
*100 Push-ups
*150 Squats
800m Run
*done as 10 sets of 5-10-15
Wednesday May 2, 2012
WOD: 3x3 Rounds w/ 1min Rec
5ea SA KBS
10 SLDL @ ½ BW
Crack Dash