CBS is smart and blocked my ability to embed the video from YouTube. However, you can click the link to view the 15 minute segment.
April's Training Block
This is the 2nd block of “Endurance.” The next five weeks has an increase of overall volume in both reps and mileage. Toward the back half of this block “strength” 85% and above will creep back into the daily programming.
For those athletes that have had limited exposure to our (ECC’s) style of programming or intense training in general please listen to your body, ask coaches and always scale as needed.
Sunday April 1, 2012
Monday April 2, 2012
WOD:2x4 min on: 1 min Rec
5 Floor Press @ ¾ BW
3 FS
1 Jerk
Tuesday April 3, 2012
800m Run
15 KBS 70/55
10 WB
5 Pull-ups
Wednesday April 4, 2012
5 Press @ ½ BW
10 Burpees