
Athletes: We are closing out TQN, aka - Strength/Power Phase. We will begin working toward LBN, aka - Looking Better Naked, aka-Increased Hypertrophy and Cardio Respiratory Endurance. 

Also: Wednesday is a very good day to check out the presentation/podcasts @ The presentations are only FREE on the 1st day they are offered.

Paleo Summit Schedule:

Wednesday February 29, 2012

Max: Deadlift

3 attempts/post warm-up

Attempts must be declared

Thursday March 1, 2012

WOD: 11min AMRAP

1 P. Clean @ 80% of Max

2 F. Squats

*squat cleans don’t count toward FS reps

6:00am Endurance w/ Kimmie

Coach’s Choice

Friday March 2, 2012

Max: Bench

3 attempts/post warm-up

Attempts must be declared

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