Monday Dec 10th - Wednesday Dec 12th
WOD: On The Minute (OTM) for 20 minutes of
5 - Pullups
10 - Pushups
20 - Air Squats
The coach will start the clock and the athlete will complete the above triplet with the accumulating rep scheme until the set is complete. This triplet will be performed at the top of each minute for 20 minutes. The faster you work - the more rest you get!
Strength: Over-Head Squat (OHS)
5X5 @ 85% of 1RM
Sellout: 20 minutes of work spent on one of your goats. We define goats as a movement or exercise that needs additional work or training.
Endurance: Burpee box overs and Rowing!
WOD: 5 Rounds for Time (RFT)
7 - Dead Lifts at Body Weight (BW)
12 - Burpees
Sellout: 3x10 Ab Mat wallball situps (athlete picks the ball weight)