Thursday Nov 29th - Dec 1st
Strength: Bench 6X5
Max Rep Dips immediately after each set
The athlete will perform bench press 6 sets of 5 repetitions. After each set, the athlete will move immediately to the rings, bench or box to perform a maximum number of dips possible. This is to be repeated after each completed set.
WOD: 10!
10 Double Unders after each set
Athletes will move through the above couplet of movements starting with 10 repetitions of pullups and hand release pushups then they will complete 10 double unders. The athlete will then complete 9 repetitions of the couplet then 10 double unders all the way down to 1 repetition and 10 double unders .
Endurance: At the Box
6, 8 or 10 X 400 meter run
Rest is Equal to Work (1:1 work/Rest)
12 Min AMRAP of:
10 Knee to Elbows
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Walking Lunges
For Time
75 Snatches @ 75#/45#