Thursday November 15 - Sunday November 18


Strength: Jerk @ 83% of 1RM 5-4-3-3-3

Athlete will warm up for a total of 3 to 4 sets then complete the above sets using 83% of your previously established one rep max. The athlete will complete sets of the following repetitions: 5 reps, 4 reps, 3 reps, 3 reps and 3 reps – all using the same weight.

WOD: 4 Rounds for Time

Max Rep Jerk @ BW

20 Double- Unders

Athlete will complete as many jerks as possible using his/her body weight then they will proceed directly to the jump rope for 20 double-unders. This couplet combination will be done 4 times as fast as possible. Your score will reflect total repetitions for the jerks and total time to complete.


Endurance: @ Eli Whitney Museum

10 min, 15 min or 20 min Out & Back

This is done in one continuous run without rest between the out & back.



WOD: For time

150 Wall Balls 20/16#

3 minute rest

150 Burpees

The athlete must complete the wall balls before moving to the burpees. There is an 18 minute cap on the workout! Total time does include the 3 minute break between movements.



WOD: For time

20 Clean & Jerk @ 70% of 1RM

30 Pull ups

10 Clean & Jerk @ 70% of 1RM

20 Pull ups

Athlete will move through the above workout as quickly as possible performing clean and jerk using any version of clean as needed – then they move to pullups using any variety they see fit. Athlete pay attention to the declining rep count as they move through the workout.



Amnesty – Athletes have the opportunity to pick a workout that they may have missed during the week.
