Monday - October 15 - Wednesday October 17
10 Cleans @ 135#/95#
10 Burpees
Athletes will complete 10 reps of any version of clean (power, squat, split) The bar starts from the floor and ends in the rack position with the elbows displayed clearly in front of the bar. Then the athlete will complete 10 reps of burpees where the hips and chest are touching the floor and then the athlete stands up claping hands over-head.
OPP - Rest Day
Tuesday October 16
ECC – OTM for 12 minutes of
3 Snatch @ 65% of 1RM
Sellout: Not for Time
3X20 Ab Mat Situps
OPP – (a)BS 5,4,3,2,1
(b) BS 3x10 @55%
© OTM for 12 min. of 3 Snatch @ 75%
(d) 3X25 GHD Situps
Endurance – at ECC
20 minute AMRAP of
7 Burpee Box Jumps
400 meter Run
ENDURANCE = Endurance
O.P.P = Open Prep People -This is a program specifically designed for those athletes looking to compete in the CrossFit Open competition in February. Due to the growing popularity of CrossFit and the Games it is important for those athletes looking to compete be given additional planning towards this singular goal. This programming is specifically designed for the OPP athletes to be ready to compete come February 2013. It is our goal to integrate the OPP programming along with the daily WODs offered at ECC. Our goal is to expose the OPP athletes with various movements and elements that will help them better compete in this very competitive event. Just remember, these athletes have been training for quite some time and will continue to train hard for this competition. This training is a long process and everyone’s help and understanding is needed. Please support our OPP athletes on their quest towards the CrossFit Games.
Wednesday October 17
ECC – “Cindy”
20 Minute AMRAP of
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air Squats
OPP – (a) Cindy
(b) 3X8 Weighted Single Leg Squats (opposite foot on box or bench/use dumbbell or kettlebells)