Thursday, August 8th
Warmup: 10 minutes of:
kneeling KB around the world x 8,
Kneeling Single arm KB press x 8 (each side),
KB Russian twist x 8,
Plank position shoulder taps x 8,
8 calorie ski erg
Skills: 4 Rounds not for time:
OLY bar row x 8-12,
Eccentric Pullups x 6-8,
Box Assisted Pullups x 6-8,
Hollow Rocks x 10
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP: Teams of 2 Athletes-
60 Calorie Row,
30 Power Cleans 135/95#,
90 Double Unders
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
Teams of 2 athletes:
3 Rounds for Time
100 Burpees
100 Calories on Assault Bike