Saturday & Sunday, August 24th & 25th
Super Saturday
For Time:
1 mile run then,
5 Rounds of:
5 Clean & Jerks 165/115#,
10 Knees to Elbows
15/12 Calorie Bike, then
1000 meter row
Sunday Funday @ 8 am
Warmup 2 Rounds of:
5 Pullup/Ring Row
5 Pushup
5 Jump Squats
5-10 m Monster Walk
5-10 m Rev.Monster Walk
5 Spine Rolls on the Wall
5 Rounds of 5 x 1.5 Goblet Squats
- Superset with 6 Split-Stance KB RDL
WOD 3 Rounds for Time
8/10 Cal Bike
10 (Total) Med Ball Wall Slams
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
50 DU/100 Single Unders
Open Gym @ 9 am