Tuesday, June 18th
Warmup: 3 rounds ~ not for time:
200 meter run,
20 meter farmers carry,
20 meter lunge steps,
20 second L-sit holds
Body Building: 4 Rounds of Super Set:
1A Deadlifts 4x12,
1B Weighted Knee Raises 4x12,
3 Rounds of Super Set
2A Single Leg KB Step-ups 3x16,
2B KB Lunges (goblet) 3x16,
3 Rounds of Super Set
3A Banded Donkey Kickouts 3x20 (10 each leg),
3B Banded Good Mornings 3x20
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP:
15/10 Calories on Assault Bike,
20 Ab Mat Situps
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
800 meter run,
100 situps,
1 mile run,
100 box step-ups,
2 mile run