Thursday, August 10th

Warmup: 3 rounds of

12 lunges,

12 ring rows,

12 pushups,

12 back extension


WOD: Teams of 2 ~ 40 minute AMRAP:

Partner 1 - Row 500 meters,

Partner 2:

7 kb high pulls,

14 hollow rocks,

.21 alternating KB Snatches

*must switch after row

**Partner picks up when the other partner left off


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Teams of 2 ~ 40 minute

AMRAP: Partner 1 - Row 500 meters,

Partner 2: 7 Burpees,

14 hollow rocks,

21 Ball over bar

*must switch after row

**Partner picks up when the other partner left off

Joe Kusnitz