Tuesday, January 24th

Warmup: 6 Rounds of:

8/10 cal Ski Erg,

Alternating seated db presses x 8 (4 each side),

OLY bar rollout x 6,

Ring rows x 8


Strength: 6 x 1 Snatch Push Press, 1 Snatch Balance, 1 OHS with 3 second pause at bottom


WOD: for time:

500 meter ski erg,

30 alternating DB Snatches 50/35#,

500 meter row,

20 alternating DB snatches,

400 meter run,

10 snatches


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

4 Rounds for Time:

500 meter ski erg,

30 Box Step-up and Overs,

500 meter row,

20 Box Jump and overs,

400 meter run,

10 box overs

Joe Kusnitz