Thursday, June 23rd
Warmup: 3 Rounds ~ Not for Time:
Single Arm DB Press x 10 (5 each side),
DB Round the world x 10 (5 each direction),
10 Calorie Ski Erg
Strength/Skill: ***In this period we are incorporating pulling skills. We want to progress and develop you individual gymnastic pulling —> Example: pull-ups, deadhang pullups, chest to bar pullups, bar muscle ups.
Pulling Power: 5 x Max load dead-hang pulllup
5 x Negative Pullups x 5
WOD: Teams of 2 Athletes:
2 Rounds for Time: 1000 meter row,
30 clean & jerks 115/75#,
30 Pullups
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
Team Relay —> We are outside :)