Thursday, April 14th
Accessory: 3 Rounds of:
5 hip thrusts,
10 kb russian twists,
10 kb goblet squats,
20 meter ovehead single kb carry
WOD: Team Thursday: Teams of 2 or 3:
2000 meter row,
10 KBS 70/55#
1500 meter row,
20 KBS 70/55#
1000 meter row,
30 KBS 70/55#
500 meter row,
40 KBS 70/55#
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
Team Thursday: Teams of 2:
1 Mile Run
2000 meter row,
10 KBS 55/35#
800 meter run
1000 meter row,
30 KBS 55/35#
400 meter run
500 meter row,
40 KBS 55/35#
*Partition work between athletes -Only 1 person in motion at a time
**Both Athletes must RUN