Tuesday, March 1st

Accessory: 10 minutes of:

shoulder taps x 10,

banded Paloff press x 10 (each side),

oly bar rows x 10,

flat bench flies x 10


Strength: Bench Press 5x3


WOD: 2 Rounds of:

4 minute AMRAP of

Calorie Row 30/20,

Assault Bike 30/20 Calories,

Max 10 Meter Shuttle runs,

Rest 2 minutes between each round


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

5 Rounds of:

4 minute AMRAP of

Calorie Row 30/20,

Assault Bike 30/20 Calories,

Max 10 Meter Shuttle runs,

4 min rest after round 1,

3 min rest after round 2,

2 min rest after round 3,

1 min rest after round 4

Joe Kusnitz