Tuesday, February 16th

Athlete Warmup: Row, Run or Bike —> get the blood flowing


Midline Work: Hangman Hell

2 Rounds of

10 second Hanging L-Sit + 10 second Hanging Tuck Holds + 10 seconds Hanging L-sit Flutter kicks (Cannot come off bar between movements = 30 seconds of work)

GHD Hip Extension x 20


Practice: Single Leg Hip Thrusts


Strength: kneeling - Single Arm DB Press 4x10 (on each arm)


WOD: 4 Rounds for Time

10 DB Push Presses 55/30’s

20 Calorie Row

30 Situps


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Minute 1 - 10


10 Burpees

10 Box Overs

10 10-Meter Sprints

Minute 11-20


20 Ball over Bar

20 GHD Situps

20 10 Meter sprints

Minute 21 - 30


30 Mt Climbers

30 Calorie Row

30 10 Meter sprints

Joe Kusnitz