Saturday - Monday, September 19-21st


Super Saturday

“The Seven”

7 Rounds for Time

7 HSPU’s

7 Thrusters 135/95#

7 Knees to Elbows

7 Deadlifts 245/165#

7 Burpees

7 KBS 70/55#

7 Pullups



Sunday Funday @ 7 am ~ Everyone is welcome



Warmup: 3 Rounds of

300 meter row

8 single legged box jumps

8 Good Mornings

8 Wall Seated Plate Raises

8 OLY Bar Presses

8 Russian Twist with OLY Bar


Skill Work: Pistols


Back Squat 5x6


Clean 1x4, 1x3, 2x2, 4x1


WOD: 4 Rounds for Time

10 Front Squat 135/95#

40 Double Unders

Joe Kusnitz