Thursday, September 17th
Warmup: 4 Rounds
200 meter run
10 kb presses
10 single arm kb overhead walking lunges
10 kbs
10 Alternating single leg kb deadlifts
10 Russian twist with kb
"Sebastian Strong" is a workout that was created by Elm City to honor, support and remember one of our own! This workout was first done on September 17, 2017 and will be done every year to honor this amazing human being.
3 Rounds of:
1 Minute Max Rep Burpees
1 Minute Max Rep Hang Cleans 75/45#
1 Minute Max Rep Box Jumps 20/16"
1 Minute Max Rep Jerks 75/45#
1 Minute Max Calorie Row
1 Minute Rest
*Score = Total number of reps completed!