Tuesday, November 10th
Class Time Change!! Endurance BEGINS @ 530 AM BOTH Tuesday and Thursday mornings!
Athlete Warmup: Row, Run or Bike —> get the blood flowing
Midline Work: 2 Rounds of
Weighted Side Bend x 10 (on each side)
Sumo Deadlift with KB x 20
Practice: Double Unders and Triple Unders
Strength: Push Press 6x3
WOD: 10!
Power Clean 155/105#
Dumpster Dash (run to the blue fence)
Endurance: Meet @ ECF at 530 am
30 Minute AMRAP
Dumpster Dash
3 Box Overs
6 Burpee KBS
18 DU’s
Medball Subside (4 cones)