Saturday - Monday, August 10th -12th
Super Saturday
7 Minute AMRAP:
3 Ground to Over-head 155/105#
3 Bar Muscle Ups
800 meter run
10 Dumbell Thrusters 35/25’s
400 meter run
20 Dumbell Thrusters
200 meter run
30 Dumbell Thrusters
with time remaining to the 20 minute mark
Max rep Ground to over-head 155/105#
Sunday Funday @ 7am ~ Open to anyone even non-members
Open Gym @ 8 am ~ Open to anyone even non-members
Warmup 4 Rounds of
6 Wall balls
6 Toes to wall
6 Burpees
6 Calorie Row
Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x5
WOD: 10! of
Back Squat @ BW
Calorie Row
Burpee over Rower