Tuesday, August 20th
A little Throwback to Leeder HIll Rd ~ Our first facility over 10 years ago!
Warmup: 12 minutes of
20 meter butt kicks
20 meter side steps
20 meter bear crawl
20 meter back pedal
20 situps
Sumo Deadlift: 5x5
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP
1 Shoulder to Over-head 135/95#
1 Pull up
2 S2OH
2 Pullups
3 S2OH
3 Pullups
ADD 1 rep each round until time is called
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 6 am
4 Rounds for Time
30 Calorie on Assault Bike
40 Calories on Rower
50 Ab Mat Situps
800 meter run