Tuesday, April 7th - Wednesday, April 8th
Warmup: 2 Rounds of
2 Forward rolls
3 laps
4 deadlifts
5 pullups
6 Goblet Lunges
Front Squat: 3x20 @ 1/2 BW with 5 box jumps after each set 24/20"
3 rounds for time:
30 Wall balls 20/14#
30 Double Unders
Endurance: Meet at ECC at 6 am
10x 10 KBS + 200 meter sprint ~ Self Regulated rest
Warmup: 4 Rounds
200 meter row
10 ab mat situps
5 HSPUs or 3 wall walks
Bench 3x max reps @ 1/2 BW
4 rounds for time:
Run around the building
5 Power Snatches 95/55#
8 T2B