Tuesday, April 28th - Thursday, April 30th


Warmup: 3 Rounds of

10 OHS theropy

10 Gobblet squats

10 Pushups


50 Burpees for time with 10 DU's or Single Unders at the top of each minute


OTM X 8 mins - 3 Back Squats @ BW


3x3 Min AMRAP with 2 minutes rest after each round

5 KBS 70/55#

5 Box Jumps 30/24"


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

8, 10 or 12 x 200 meter row + 200 meter run ~ self regulated rest



Warmup: 10 rounds

2 HSPU's

4 GHD Situps

6 OLY bar hang snatches


50 wall balls for time ~ at the top of each minute do 10 pushups - 6 min time cap



Power Clean 155/95#

3x DU's

Dumpster dash



Warmup: 8 mins of

5 burpee box overs

10 push ups

15 ab mat situps


Teams of 2 athletes do the following without rest between

7 minutes at each movment to establish a 2 rep max at each of the following movements:


Front Squat

Hang Clean

Score = total combined weight of each movement


Enduance: TBD


