Monday, March 23rd - Wednesday, March 25th
Warmup: 4 rounds of
10 wall balls
8 box jumps
6 pushups
4 burpees
2 forward rolls
OTMx 10 minutes - 2 Snatches @ 75%
OTMx 10 minutes - 2 Clean & Jerks @ 75%
OTMx 10 minutes - 2 Front Squats @ BW ~ taken from the floor
Warmup: 10 minutes of
10 ring rows
10 cal row
10 - 10 meter shuttle runs
50-40-30-20-10 of
Double Unders
*with a run around the building + 2 Rope Climbs after each set
Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am
25 min AMRAP of 7 burpee box jumps, 400 meter run
Warmup: 5 rounds
7 Overhead walking lunges
7 toes to wall
7 kbs
7 pullups
"Fight Gone Bad" - 3 rounds of- 1 minute max rep at each station
1 minute max rep wall balls 20/14#
1 minute max rep SDLHP 75/55#
1 minute max rep box jumps 20/16"
1 minute max rep shoulder to overhead 75/55#
1 minute max cal row
1 minute rest