Monday, Feb. 16th - Wednesday, Feb. 18th


Warmup: 4 Rounds

2 Laps

10 OHS Theropy

10 Back Ext

30 Second HS Holds


Split Jerk 6x3 @ 65-75% - Taken from the Floor


1/2 Cindy - 10 min AMRAP

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Air Squats



Warmup: 7!

Burpees + 20 Double Unders


Buy-in: 30 Chest to Bar PUllup for time


2 x Death by Burpee + Power Cleans 95/65# (OPP'ers use 155/95#)

~3 mins rest after the last athlete fails


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

20 min AMRAP - 7 ball over bar, 7x tire mountain



Warmup: 8 Mins of
10 cal row

10 T2Bars/Wall

10 Bar Thrusters


Buy-in: 2x30 wall balls with 1 min rest between each set


10 x Complex ~ Not for time

1 Squat Clean

2 Front Squats

*Athlete Picks weight ~should be moderate




Double Unders



Cashout: 3x20 box jumps 24/20" ~ no Step-ups
