Friday, Jan. 16th - Saturday, Jan 17th


Warmup: 4 Rounds ~ Not for Time

10 Hollow body into Superman

10 Med Ball Cleans

30 Second HS Holds


Bench 6! ~ Increasing Load with 8 ring dips after each set


5 Rounds for time:

15 KBS 55/35#

10 Single Arm KB Snatches

5 HSPU's


OPP - Rest Day



Warmup: 3 Rounds of:

10 wall balls

8 Box jumps

6 ball slams

4 wall walks


15 Min AMRAP ~ teams of 2 (only 1 athlete in motion)

100 Double Unders

5 Rope Climbs

30 Cleans

Clean weight per round:

Round 1 - 115/65#

Round 2 - 135/75#

Round 3 - 155/95#

Round 4 - 185/115#


Sellout: Teams of 2 - 8 Rounds for time - 500 meter row


Burnout: Muscle Up ~ test -1

