The New Look ~ Competitive Training Template
The program formally known as Optimum Performance Programming (OPP) is taking on a new face this season. In the past, the purpose of OPP was to prepare Elm City CrossFit athletes to compete in the CrossFit Open. Now our focus will shift a bit toward more local and regional competitions. Our theme will still focus on competitive based and broad based elements but the medium of communications and expected execution will be as follows:
All workouts and components will be distributed through the WOD on the website
Anyone can participate in any parts on any day
The competitive based skills and parts will be in one of the following forms:
Log-in – This is to be done before buy-in portions of the WOD
Preemptive - This is to be done before the buy-in portions of the WOD
Log-out – This is to be done after the main WOD
Cash-out – This is to be done after the main WOD
Extra credit – After the main WOD
All parts of the workout should be done within the confines of the cool down or warm up parts of the previous or during the next class. We will not delay the start of the main class for these parts. Nor will the coach on be asked to stay late to help you “get in” your work. You must plan accordingly. Should you have any question or concerns – please email Joe at: