Tuesday Aug 5th - Thursday Aug 7th

Dont forget about the Summer Shindig at Deb's house this Friday night. Pool Party with music and a frozen drink machine! RSVP with Alix or Deb....


Buy-in: 4x12 Back Extentions

Strength: OHS 8x3 increasing load with 10 goblet lunge70/55# steps after each set

9 Min AMRAP:

5 Pushups

3 Toes 2 Bar

1 Snach 135/95#


Endurance: at ECC @ 6 am

6x5 lateral box overs 20" to 100 meter sprint x 3 with 3-mins rest between rounds



4 Rounds through - Not for time (athlete picks the weight)

10 Standing Kettlebell Up-right Rows

10 Dumbell Push Press

10 Bent over Rows with Dumbells


For Time: 21-15-9 of:

Thrusters 95/65#




Teams of 2 Athletes do the following:

4 mins to establish 1 rep max DeadLift - can only use 1 bar

3 min rest

4 mins max rep burpees - only 1 athlete in motion at a time

3 min rest

For time:

100 KBS 55/35#

100 Pullups

*only 1 athlete in motion at a time + movements must be done in order + once you have completed your KBS - the athlete who is not on the pullup bar must hold the KB - then switch... Once the KBS have been completed - the KB cannot touch the ground until the workout is complete


Endurance: TBD


