Tuesday, July 22nd - Thursday, July 24th-
20 minutes to complete the following:
30-20-10 (not for time)
Backsquat from the floor, unbroken
Deadlift @ the same weight (does not have to be unbroken)
Weighted Situps with Medicine Ball or Kettlebell
6 Minute Rest-
6 x 100 meter sprint:
out with 100 meter, backpetal back
*self regulated rest
Endurance: at ECC @ 6 am
10 x 10 kettlebell swings
200 meter sprint
Jerks: 3 x 6 Power Jerks- increasing load
6 x 3 Split Jerks- increasing load
For Time: 800 meter run
30 shoulder to overhead @ 135/115#
1 mile run
Teams of 2 Athletes complete the following for time:
60 calorie row
60 ab mat situps
60 box jump and over @ 20"
60 shoulder to overhead @ 45#
60 box jumps
60 ab mat situps
60 calorie row
Endurace: at ECC
5:30 am for loop 1 (9 miles)
6:15 am for loop 2
**There will be no PM Endurance!