Thursday, May 29th- Friday, May 30th-
Thursday, May 29th
Team Thursday-
20 minute AMRAP of:
Partner A-
5 thrusters @ 95/65#
10 burpees
Partner B-
run around the building
*then you switch!
6am @ ECC
We will jog as a group approximately 1 mile to Morse Hill.
We will do 5, 6 or 7 hill repeats. On the odd intervals recover
with walk.jog back down. On the even intervals sprint down,
recover at the bottom~3 minutes.
5:30 pm @ Sleeping Giant
Hiking/Trail Running
Friday, May 30th
3 x 5 push press @ 50% body weight
3 x 5 up-right rows @ 50% body weight
50-40-30-20-10 of:
doule unders
ab mat situps