Monday, May 19th- Wednesday, May 21st-
Monday, May 19th
Mobility Monday
lats and chest
4 x 10 overhead squat @ 1/2 body weight
15-12-9 of:
overhead squat @ 95/65#
calorie row
Tuesday, May 20th
Buy In
3 minute max rep box overs @ 24/20"
(RX= Athlete is to jump over box without touching the top.)
8 x 6 shoulder press @ 60% of 1 rep max
*10 kettlebell swings between each set @ 55/35#
6 x 3 squat cleans @ 3/4 body weight
*10 burpees after each set
6am/ 6pm @ ECC
6 rounds for time:
run around the building
20 air squats
30 double unders
Wednesday, May 21st
Buy In
max rep unbroken pullups (any style)
*athlete gets 1 chance! (new members should be doing ring rows)
50-40-30-20-10 of:
wall ball @ 24/14#
abmat sit ups