Thursday, May 1st- Friday, May 2nd-

Thursday, May 1st


Team Thursday- 

2 rounds for time:

100 double unders

80 kettlebell swings @ 55/35#

60 box jumps @ 24/20

40 lunges with kettlebell @ 55/35#

20 partner situps with wall ball exchange, 20/16#



6am @ ECC

We will jog a 1/2 mile to the base of Mill Rock Hill then perform repeats of 10, 12 or 15 x Mill Rock Hill.

This will be done continuously with the rest being the jog back down.

* Mill Rock Hill is a short relatively steep hill. All hill, no flat.

5:30pm @ Sleeping Giant

Hiking/Trail Running


Friday, May 2nd


For Time:

1000 meter row


5 Rounds For Time of:

20 Push Presses @ 75/55#

20 Burpees
