Monday, March 31st- Wednesday, April 2nd-
Monday, March 31st
Mobility Monday
15 minutes to work on hip mobility- coaches choice
3 rounds for time:
800 meter run
15 plate burpees, 25/10#
Tuesday, April 1st
Heavy Athletics Nutrition is coming to Elm City – Tuesday April 1st at 5 pm.
Heavy Athletics Nutrtition will be sampling products and answering questions about supplementation, fitness nutrition and a proper plan towards your goals!
Heavy Athletics Nutrition was founded in 2011 by former National Olympic Weightlifter Joe Nissim. After his career was cut short due to a wrist injury and hip injury, he took a few years away from the sport.
HAN was founded under the principle that Heavy Athletes, whether Highland Games, Strong Man, or Olympic Weightlifting competitors were always forced to follow Body Building Trends in supplementation. When a new product came out that we thought would make sense for us, we were constantly disappointed. It seemed that most products were designed for either a great pump or beach muscles. In reality, the products were poorly researched, poorly constructed, and provided little benefit to the competitive explosive strength athlete.
Explosive strength was a not an area that the major supplement companies supported and it was time to do something about it. Although the concept was born in 2006, it was not until a conversation with Highland Game Pro athlete and college friend Sam Grammer that the concept started to become reality. Sam's enthusiasm and help with some market research took this from a lunch conversation to a hard product.
The goal at Heavy Athletics Nutrition is simple:
Create high quality products that are designed specifically to the needs of explosive strength athletes.
3 x 10 one and a half Back Squats @ 50% of 1 rep max
7 rounds for time:
7 Kettlebell Swings, 55/35#
7 Lunges with Kettlebell in goblet position
7 Pullups
Endurance: 6am @ Hamden High School Track
**There is no Pm Endurance!
On the 2 Minute:
Wednesday, April 2nd
6 x 4 Shoulder Press @ 60%
*Athlete must hold locked out position for 2 seconds!
30 Clean and Jerks for time