Tuesday, Dec 9th - Thursday, Dec 11th


Warmup: 4 Rounds of -

20 Duck Walk Steps

15 OHS Therapy

10 KBS

6 Dips


Preview: 2 x 1 min max rep Chest to Bar Pullups - with 2 minute rest between each round


Jerk: 3x3, 3x2, 3x1 Increase Load


OTMx20 of:

Odd Minute - 3 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95#

Ever Minute - 7 Toes to Bar


Cash out: 4x12 Ring Pushups


Endurance: 20! of 




100 meter row between each round



Warmup: 3 Rounds - not for time

2 forward tumbles

4 wall walks

6 Plank to Prayer 

8 Leg Swings

10 Box Jumps


"Fight Gone Bad" - 1 minute Max rep at each station with 1 minute rest between rounds

Wall Balls 20/14

Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55#

Box Jumps 20/16"

Push Press 75/55#

Max Cal Row 


Cash out: OTMx8 - 3 Front Squat @ BW * from floor



Warmup: 8 minutes (slowly)

7 Bar Thrusters

2 Toes to Bar

2 Laps around inside of gym


Team Cindy - Only 1 athlete in motion at a time

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Air Squats


Cash out: OTMx10 - 3 Bench Press 


Endurance: 8, 10 or 12 x Around Building (Rest =Work)
