Tuesday, Nov. 18th - Thursday, Nov. 20th


Preview: 40 Wall Balls for time 20/14#


Buy-in: 4x12 Ring Rows or Deficit Ring Rows


4 Rounds of (not for time):

3 Shoulder Press + 5 second L-sit

2 Shoulder Press + 5 Second L-sit

1 Shoulder Press +5 Second L-sit

*Increase load after each round


7 min AMRAP of:

10 KBS 55/35#

10 Burpees


Cash out: 3x max rep- unbroken power cleans @ 75% with 2 mins rest between sets


Endurance: At ECC @ 6 am

Death by Burpee + 10 meter shuttle run



Preview: 8x6 L-Sit Pullups


Buy-in: 4x10 Reverse Hypers



OTMx30 minutes of:

5 pullups

10 pushups

15 air squats


Cashout: OTMx8 - 3 power Snatches



Preview: 30 KBS 70/55


Buy-in: 4x20 ab mat situps


Teams of 2 athletes complete the following:

2 Rounds of:

100 DU's

80 KBS 55/35

60 Box Jumps 24/20"

30 Lunges with KB 55/35#

20 Partner Situps with wall ball exchange 20/14#


OTMx16 of Even/Odd Gymnastics Goats


Endurance @ 6am @ Eli Whitney:

4, 5 or 6 x Armory
