Monday, Oct 20th - Wednesday, Oct 22nd


Preview: 30 C2B pullups for time


Buy-in: 3x10 Supermans or Weighted Supermans


Strength: 4 Rounds - Not for Time (Athlete Picks Weight):

12 Dumbell Bent over Rows

12 Dumbell High Pulls

12 Dumbell Presses


5 Rounds for Time:

5 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95#

10 Push-ups


Cashout: 6x3 Snatch Grip Shoulder Press with 10 Plate raises after each set



Preview: 30 Wall balls for Time 20/14#


Buy-in: 3x12 Ring Rows or Deficit Ring Rows


Clean: 5-4-3-2-1-1-1 (inceasing load)


OTMx10 minutes of:

2 Power Cleans 135/95#

5 Burpees over the bar


Cash-out: 4 Rounds for time:

5 Back Squat taken from the floor

10 KBS 70/55#


Enduarance: at ECC @ 6 am with Coach Joe

10x200 meter row + 400 meter run - Self Regulated Rest



Preview: 150 Double Unders for time


Buy-in: 4x12 Ring Pushups


Front Squat: 3-2-1-1-1 (increasing loads)


"Helen" - 3 Rounds for Time:

400 meter run

21 KBS 55/35#

12 Pullups


Cash-out: 21-15-9

Deadlift 225-185#

Box Jumps 24/20"

(6 Min CAP)

