Monday June 17th - Wednesday June 19th
Internal Throwdown – Saturday June 22nd @ 9 am with a PotLuck cookout to follow at Noon.
We are bringing back our summer throwdown series again this year after much success last year. Each throwdown will consist of 2-3 workouts and everyone is encouraged to participate. Scaling options will be available so everyone can join in. This competition is only open to Elm City CrossFit athletes! The cookout to follow is open to everyone – family and friends looking to hang out or learn about our signature community. We hope to see everyone Saturday June 22nd.
Strength: Back Squat 3x8 @ 65% of 1RM
15 Mins of:
Team Burpee Tire Flips
On the Minute (OTM) x 10 Mins of:
3 Snatches @ 65% of 1RM
5 Min Transition then,
On the Minute (OTM) x 10 Mins of:
3 Clean & Jerk @ 65% of 1RM
5 Min Rest then,
3x1Min on - 1 Min off of Max Rep Toes to Bar
Endurance: at the Box @ 6am
18 Min of:
Team Row, Burpee, Double Unders
5 Rounds for Time of
400 Meter Run
15 OHS 95/65#